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kelly clarkson

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame 
Kelly Clarkson has got the media all 'smoked up' over her ads! Yeah, the 'issue' can be compared to an active volcano in Indonesia!

The ex American Idol popstar is the center of media scrutiny over being sponsored by a cigarette company for her Jakarta concert which will be held on April 29.

Anti-smoking activists were obviously outraged after this cigarette company splashed their L.A. Lights logo all over the posters which advertised the star's upcoming concert.

This isn't the first incident in Jakarta. Back in 2008, RnB sensation Alicia Keys was also the center of such controversy, but the singer eventually had the logo removed from her ads.

And straight from the lips of Matt Myers, President of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free kids, the message is crystal clear. "If Kelly Clarkson goes ahead of the concert, she is by choice being a spokesman of the tobacco industry and helping them to market to children," Myers points out. 

He is also encouraging the young star to give this whole situation a 360-degree turn and be a positive influence to young Indonesians, and to other young people of the world. So be careful who and what you endorse... a lesson for today's rising stars.