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nightmare freddie

Article by: Rumer Certeza 
Those were the days in Tinseltown where originality was an essential ingredient. Now, films are being 'recycled' or recreated to fit this generation's fresh tastes.

Such as the case of director Samuel Bayer, who tasted fame for creating the music video 'Smells Like Teen Spirit,' by grunge band Nirvana. Now, Bayer's creative arsenal is being acquired to bring new life into the cult classic horror flick, 'Nightmare on Elm Street.'

The year 1984 was the year that gave birth to Wes Craven's original, where the lead role of psycho slasher Freddie krueger was brilliantly portrayed by Robert Englund, who convincingly terrorized viewers in all five sequels.

Now, Bayer had been assigned the burdensome task of casting the right guy for scary Freddy. And when he assumed his directorial task early last 2009, one actor stuck to his head like glue. and that was Jack Earle Haley.

Haley, an Oscar nominee for his role in 'Little Children' plus notable roles in hits like 'Watchmen' and 'Shutter Island,' blew the director away with an audition tape the actor had concocted. It gave Bayer the go signal to single out Haley as the perfect choice.

So with an estimated budget of $30 million, the film entitled 'Nightmare' is set to premiere on April 30 through New Line/Warner Brothers. From music videos to his first feature film, this is Bayer's big ticket.

Kurt Cobain and Fred Kreuger did have similarities.