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oprah winfrey

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame 
Oprah's aunt bails her out by denying everything she said in Kitty Kelley's book.

Aunt Katherine Carr Esters, 82, who allegedly told biographer Kitty Kelley who Oprah's true father is, denied such and is sorry the book falsely portraying the talk show queen was ever written.

It's the first instance Katherine, who's actually a cousin, but addressed as aunt by the diva due to age difference, spoke publicly about the demoralizing interview she had with Kelley.

Katherine explained that Kelley misquoted her during the interview as to who the father was, and mistakingly assumed the biographer as working hand in hand with a certain Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, who had paid Oprah's aunt a visit while attempting to trace Winfrey roots.

Kitty Kelley also declared in an open statement that while Esters is a courageous woman, she might have been pressured to speak.

Frankly, it takes more than a book to sink Oprah's behemoth star power.