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kristen stewart birthday

Article by: Carlo Diokno
Photo: Fame 
Robert Pattinson has no time for his girlfriend Kristen Stewart? Well, the 23 year-old actor who plays the role of Edward Cullen in Twilight, skipped the 20th birthday of his co-star slash rumored honey baby K-Stew today. 

Rob is still in Budapest shooting his non-Twilight film with co-stars Christina Ricci and Uma Thurman. While Kristen is in California enjoying some spare time (according to our source, she loves to watch TV), and some business meetings for her upcoming movies. 

In related news, Kristen Stewart's movie 'The Runaways' opened US-wide today! The movie where K-Stew played the role of 70s rockstar Joan Jett, also stars Dakota Fanning, who played the role of Cherie Currie. 

Oh, Rob skipped the premiere, and now he skipped the nationwide showing, and Kristen's b-day! Remember our first report that he will surely skip Kristen's first day outside teen hood (Check out the post here)? Looks like Robsten are totally focused on their movie careers, which is good. Remember the saying, "Strike while the iron is hot?"