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kristen stewart and robert pattinson birthday

Article by: Carlo Diokno

A new photo has surfaced on the internet... showing Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart hugging! Oh well, some blogs even posted the photo with articles claiming that K-Stew flew to Budapest to spend her birthday with Robert Pattinson. Actually, the photo (on the left) is an old snap, and according to our source, it's a manip (manipulated picture).

Anyway, fans are still asking the biggest question, "did Kristen flew to Hungary to celebrate her birthday with busy boyfriend Robert Pattinson?" Oh well.. the answer is a big nope! According to our source, Kristen hasn't left her California house, and STILL planning a big party to celebrate her first year outside teen hood. The source said, "KS hasn't left US. She's still working (in talks) on her upcoming projects." Our insider also added that it's impossible for Kristen to leave the country without any LAX photos. The source adds, "LAX is infested by paps, it's totally impossible!"