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rod blagojevich is donald trump latest celebrity apprentice evictee

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame Pictures 
The latest evictee of Donald Tump? Ex Governor Rod Blagojevich.

After being booted out from office last year by Illinois lawmakers, it was sweet deja vu for the former governor as he was also shown the door on NBC's 'Celebrity Apprentice.'

Apprentice big boss Donald Trump terminated the ex governor due to leadership flaws. It was evident that Blagojevich struggled as team leader, lacking the authority in giving out clear instructions, team members had complained.

And as featured in a previous episode, the ex governor had bouts with technology, as he had difficulty in performing basic tasks like emailing and text messaging.

Blagojevich was previously accused of corruption, that led to his ejection from public office in January 2009, which he completely denied such allegations.