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sandra bullock and jesse james

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame 
Sandra Bullock's trying to figure out all the fast moves adulterer hubby Jesse James pulled off behind her back, and in front of her as well!

Yup, that intense. We're well informed that cheating Jamesy explored the damsels in distress while wifey Bullock was busy with her shooting schedules. 

But reports surfaced that the 'casanova' used to text messages to his mistresses even with the actress around? Now that's raw talent!

At one point, the constant texting somehow got on the 'Blind Side' star's nerves that she hurled a sharp one at 'womanizing wonder-hubby' Jamesy, saying 'Who the hell are you texting, your girlfriend?!'

To which Jamesy put on his irresistible, puppy-dog looks and replied 'That hurts! That really hurts!' Tiger Woods, I hope you're paying attention here.

Seriously, Sandra's beauty personified and really needs to regroup her bearings, and eventually do what any estranged spouse would do. Take a hike and move on with her life. So unless Jamesy seriously makes up his mind to go staight (not inside some chick's pants), I don't think he's worth crying for.

Jamesy, buddy, you really cracked me up.