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chris brown and rihanna funny

Article by: Carlo Diokno
Photo: Fame 
Chris Brown's a little tamer nowadays after ex-girlfriend Rihanna became his punching bag.

Brown, 21, has been mentioned by a judge on Thursday that the R&B star is making progress on his sentence for charges of assaulting the 'Umbrella' star Rihanna just last year on Grammy Awards night.

Brown's attorney had informed the Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Patricia Schnegg, that the singer had already completed a total of 290 hours hard labor, besides participating in all but one of his mandatory 52 counselling sessions dealing with domestic violence.

The R&B sensation was passed down his verdict on August 2009, which was a five year probation which requires Brown to perform 180 days of community service and take part in domestic abuse counselling.

It was on February 8, 2009 where Brown had battered the pop diva, after the pair departed from a music industry party in Los Angeles. Rihanna ended up bloody and bruised after the assault, and has also sparked flames from the media.

Brown reffered to the incident as 'unacceptable' and was extremely apologetic to his fans. Eventually, the star couple would part ways and focus on their respective careers.

Peace on Earth!