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Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame
What do we have here? Seems like more 'Jesse and Tiger clones' are coming out. Dwyane Wade's the latest, and his gal pal who's in hot water.

Reports have come out that Siohvaughn Funches, the estranged wife of NBA star guard Dwyane Wade, is furious and is suing actress Gabrielle Union for allegedly combining talents with Wade in a mini exhibition of 'sexual foreplay' in front of her two kids.

According to the Chicago SunTimes, Funches is seeking damages to the tune of $50,000 from the 'FlashForward' actress, who's allegedly responsible for traumatizing two sons Zaire, 8, and Zion, 2, while the kids were on a unsupervised visit to daddy Wade's Miami home.

The lawsuit reveals that Wade's oldest son was permitted to play without any supervision in and around the pool in the evening, and that Jolina Wade, the star's mother overheard Zaire's 'screams and cries,' while Zion, the youngest nearly drowned while in his father's care.

The kids, according to the suit, has suffered emotional distress when Wade introduced them to his actress galpal, who was the primary reason that resulted to the married couple getting a divorce.

Funches claims that Union's 'extreme and outrageous conduct' with Wade has traumatized Zaire, and eventually saught medical attention for stress and anxiety.

NBA star Wade, however, is in denial of such allegations, immediately filing for sole custody of the boys.

Wade has disclosed to TMZ, that he was deeply saddened and disappointed that his wife had used their sons once again as 'pawns' and is lashing out at Union who Wade claims, is an innocenty party. The star guard also makes it clear that it was a desperate attempt on the part of Funches to retaliate against him for seeking sole custody of their children as well as requesting the court to subject his wife to phychiatric treatment.

A representative of the actress also thwarts such claims of the NBA superstar, describing every allegation as 'entirely false.'

Wade, ol' buddy, love your super 'moves' on the court. Just let it stay there, alrighty?