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jesse james normal life

Article by: Sassyqarla Staff
Photos: Fame
After his 'Nightline' interview, Jesse James is now very confident coming out in public! 

After returning to his home in Huntington Beach, California from sex rehab, Jesse James has returned to his daily routine of work and spending time with his children. 

On May 27, 2010 Jesse ex-wife Karla James picked up her daughter Chandler along with Jesse’s youngest child daughter Sunny for school early this morning. Jesse then emerged from the home with his iPad in hand ready to head to work in his massive truck. Check out the other photos below:

jesse james kids
Jesse James' kids!

jesse james ex wife
Jesse James' ex-wife!

Looks like Sandra Bullock and Jesse James are now trying their best to move on. Sandra's confirmation to attend the upcoming MTV Movie Awards is a fresh start, while Jesse James' daily routine with ex wife is healthy for him!