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lindsay lohan old

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame 
Just when things started to look sunny for Lindsay Lohan, she gets soaked wet with a rain of bad news.

Lawyers for the financial firm, E-trade has filed a multitude of pages which comprises the star's life of mayhem, including her drug abuse, brawls and DWI busts, a compilation of detractors 'poetic' comments, and her tireless profanities. All these occurences set out to prove that she resides in Hollywood and not Long Island where the case was filed.

"Lohan is a pot-stirring, lazy, irresponsible, disrespectful little drama queen," lashed out some online commenter as quoted by the papers filed in Nassau Country Superme Court. That stings.

The following clippings are obtained to prove that Lohan is indeed, from California:

"Why does anyone one to know what this train wreck is doing?" another adds, "She is the classic child star. A little success at a young age and then she thinks she's the poo."

"How can she pay her rent and pay for her coke?" another one writes. "That sugarcane she's sniffin' doesn't come cheap.."

So there you have it. Anyway, E-Trade isn't at all requesting that the location be changed to LA, but Manhattan, where the corporate headquarters of E-Trade is located.

And according to Dina Lohan, Lindsay's mom, the whole defamation issue is one reason why she will sue, describing that the opposition 'plays dirty.'

Stephanie Ovadia, Lindsay's lawyer, has vowed to counter the motions for a change in venue and a dismissal.

E-Trade lawyer Howard J. Rubin is totally mum on the case, although public records claim on his papers that Dina Lohan, and not Lindsay, is the owner of the Merrick address.