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michael douglas

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame
Michael Douglas has referred to his son's prison sentence as 'adequate,' and a life-saving disciplinary action.

Cameron Douglas, 31, was recently passed down his verdict, a five-year sentence for dealing larged amounts of methamphetamine and coccaine, as well as possessing heroin. His celebrity dad Michael, considers the verdict as a blessing in disguise, saying that had his son not gone to jail, he would've ended up dead.

Douglas blamed himself for his son's ordeals, elaborating that he was hardly ever present for Cameron, and that the substance abuse was hereditary in nature, saying that several family members encountered such problems in the past.

The concerned father also emphasized that his son hung out with the wrong crowd, leading to the younger Douglas' worsening problems. "Cameron took in a lot of low lifes. He was a very attractive target to hang out with, and I don't think that helped, either", says Michael.

The elder Douglas revealed that his son's drug abuse has been going on for quite some time now, saying that Cameron hasn't been sober since he was 13 years old. Had he not been imprisoned, he likely would have died.

"He has a chance to start a new life, and he knows that," stated the actor.

And you need to start being a dad, Mikey.