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Article by: Carlo Diokno 
OMG, I mean a lot of O and MG were seen on the internet after Miley Cyrus' new video 'Can't Be Tamed' surfaced on the internet.

Miley, totally showing the world that she's not 'Hannah Montana', sweet and teeny bop girl anymore, showed a lot of bumps and sexual scenes on her video. 

After watching, I realized that she's ready to show a lot of skins, well, she's trying to do her best to remind you guys that she's about to reach the legal age (On November 23rd). But technically, she's still an under aged girl! Oh my, what's happening to the world!!

Her video also resembled some of the elements of Adam Lambert's video 'For Your Entertainment'! I don't care if you will disagree, but I think Miley is trying to imitate Adam Lambert, Lady GaGa and Christina Aguilera (while Christina is busy imitating GaGa), haha!

What do you think?