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William Morris Endeavor Drops Mel Gibson After 'Rant' Leak!
Article by: Carlo Diokno

Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva
Photo: Fame Pictures

Okay Mr Mel Gibson is currently the hottest person right now, his face is all over the internet, tabloids and even magazines. 

Funny thing though, CNN also posted their own version of Mel Gibson's rant scandal, but still playing safe in giving all the details. 

The issue is Gibson's tape recorded, calling his former girlfriend a "F----- B----", fill in the blanks, I'm trying to be wholesome!

According to CNN, their top investigative team "has not" independently confirmed the authenticity of the tape and the voices on it, but they added that the "voice (on the tape) sounds like Gibson's."

The publicist of Oksana Grigorieva also tells CNN that the female voice was her. Meanwhile, Radar Online claims that the tape was recorded by Grigorieva, because she fears for her safety.

Another ugly development, a spokesman for the William Morris Endeavor confirmed that the agency has dropped Mel Gibson as a client.

Gibson is currently being investigated by Malibu police for an alleged domestic violence involving her baby mommy last January.