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Mel's 'Lethal Tongue' 4: threatens to burn down house after demanding sex from ex!
Article By: Rumer Certeza

Lethal Tongue 4. Have you seen that flick yet? Or to rephrase that, 'heard of it'? There's just no stopping Mel Gibson's fury that continues to engulf headlines!

mel gibson and oksana grigorieva
It won't ever be the last of it, folks. The latest leaked audio recording reveals Mad Mel hurling more heart-stopping mouthfuls at ex gal Oksana Grigorieva, this time threatening to burn the house down for failing to perform oral sex. You can always ask nicely, buddy.

But first, let's thank the RadarOnline people for once again, making all this possible. Do I hear cheers? (roaring applause in the background) Okay, that's done. On with the story.

The tape obtained by the popular website exposes a raging voice, believing to be of Mel's, which goes a little something like this:

"I deserve to be blown first, before the f---ing Jacuzzi. I'll burn the g--damn house down, but blow me first."

The 'Ransom' star reportedly blew a fuse after Oksana fell asleep the night before performing his sexual demands.

Mel's alleged voice carries on, saying, "I should have woken you up and said 'Blow me!' You would have liked that better, Yeah?"

Oksana replies, insisting that she waited, which only intensified the actor/director's anger. And he wasn't even turning green.

"Waited and waited," growls the voice in the tape. What, two and a half f---ing minutes? You're f---ing snoring. Don't you dare. You went to sleep and didn't blow me."

The confrontation eventually leads to Mel demanding his daughter and his maid as well.

He screams, "I better have my daughter. I just want my daughter and a maid. It's a lot less f---ing trouble. They clean up after themselves. They make your g--damn bed, which you did not.

According to Sheriff spokesman Steve Whitmore, it was last week wherein authorities have began investigating on the domestic violence incident, and plans to hand over the case to prosecutors within a month's time.

TMZ also reports that the authorities intends on questioning Oksana's 12-year-old son and the dentist who treated her when she had her tooth knocked out.

So you might ask, is there a 'Lethal Tongue' 5? Stay tuned!

Extra Read: Whoopi Goldberg Defends Mel Gibson. Read it {here}

mel gibson and oksana grigorieva

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