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Lindsay Lohan on shopping spree for prescription goodies!
Article by: Rumer Certeza

Shop till you drop! That was exactly Lindsay Lohan's mission before her 90 day all-expenses-paid trip to the slammer. But we're not exactly talking about clothes here!

Yup. According to TMZ.com, the media queen went "doctor shopping" for prescription meds to keep her 'company' when she begins her stint in that place which only existed in her nightmares. This is the real deal, honey.

TMZ further reveals that Lilo would get her supply of antidepressants and painkillers from at least six different doctors from both New York and Los Angeles. Thanks to you, business is booming for the pharmaceutical companies!

And we're actually referring to large supplies from each doctor, the orders are in bulk, people! Plus, a source also says that whenever one doctor gives the 'Freaky Friday' star a thumbs down sign to filling a prescription, she would go on to the next, and so on, till she gets what she wants.

The range of prescription drugs on Lohan's 'specials' included antidepressants Zoloft and Trazodone. Not to mention Adderall, a stimulant which controls ADHD, Nexium for acid reflux, and the powerful painkiller Dilaudid. The lady sure knows her merchandise.

It was only recently that the actress was slapped a 90 day sentence in jail plus another 90 days in an inpatient rehab program for having violated the probation terms of her drug and alcohol case in 2007.

Face it, sweetie, your happy days are over. Goodbye to freedom and party time! I hope, cross my fingers, that this whole experience will be your long-awaited wake up call. Prison may even save your life!

Okay, who's next? Do I hear.. Britney? Nah. she's on an entirely different league!

Extra: Roman Polanski A Free Man? Swiss Government Declares!

roman polanski

Roman Polanski
Photo: Getty Images 
The biggest news today, the Swiss government declared film director Roman Polanski a free man after rejecting a U.S. request to extradite him. 

Switzerland's government mostly blamed US authorities for failing to provide confidential testimony about Polanski's sentencing procedure in 1977-1978. The Justice Ministry also said that national interests were taken into consideration in the stunning decision.  

Read more about this news {here}

director Roman Polanski

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