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Bristol Palin Wants More Kids? 
Article by: Raph Labuguen

After the engagement shocker, now here comes another one, quite! Bristol Palin, future Mrs Johnston, tells People.com that she's already thinking about expanding her future family. But clarified that it won't happen anytime soon, phew!

Bristol, who accepted her baby daddy Levi Johnston again, tells People.com that she's not "going to rush into having another kid," and added that she's going to "wait a while."

Meanwhile, Popeater's Rob Shuter is claiming that Levi Johnston's future mother-in-law hates him. A Sarah Palin insider tells him: "Levi did everything he could to destroy Sarah and her family. He has accused Sarah of being a bad mother, a bad wife and a bad leader."

The Palin insider added: "How can he walk back into their life like nothing happened? He should think again.He may have won Bristol back, but he will never gain the trust of Sarah. She doesn't forgive and forget."

The engagement announcement was made by Bristol and Levi thru UsMagazine, where the future Mr and Mrs Johnston were also featured on the cover with their first sibling.

Extra Read: Ryan Reynolds: Green Lantern Costume Puts Him Into Spotlight!

ryan reynolds green lantern

Ryan Reynolds as the Green Lantern. Photo: EW 

Wow, Ryan Reynolds as "Green Lantern" is currently one of the hottest Google searches as of today, beating the British Open 2010 and even the UFO in China. 

That's cool, haha!

Reynolds' new character first appeared on DC Comics' All American Comics #16 published in July 1940. What a coincidence, after 70 years, another face of Green Lantern debuts.

Thanks Entertainment Weekly!