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Sex workers in Shanghai China, unaware of HIV/AIDS as a disease!
Article by: Dr Zoe Arugay

Ignorance can be a killer in any angle you put it!

Recent studies show that several sex workers in Shanghai, China are unaware of HIV/AIDS and continue to engage in high risk sexual activities. Hmmm. Mating season.

According to a study led by Cai Y and colleagues of Shanghai Jiatong University School of Medicine and other organizations, overall findings show that only 60.8 percent of the sex workers participating in the survey answered HIV/AIDS related questions correctly.

Despite China's booming economy, it can't be denied that the Asian giant also suffers from an alarming increase in HIV/AIDS, or known as human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome respectively.

Researches highlight the fact that female sex workers have played an immense part to the growing epidemic of HIV/AIDS, including other sexually transmitted diseases in the country. For the survey, a total of 423 female workers have been enlisted by Cai and company, from five Shanghai districts including three suburbs and two downtown areas.

The reported findings reveal that around 33.4 percent have engaged in sexual activities with their partners without the used of condoms, while 51.2 percent experienced condom slippage or breakage at least once.

Sex workers meanwhile in the suburban areas often engaged in high-risk sexual activities which includes oral and anal sex, as compared to those in downtown areas. And with non-client sexual partners such as boyfriends or husbands, sixty-six percent of sex workers who used condoms were only 34 percent.

Researches are on a quest to promote HIV/AIDS related knowledge among female sex workers in Shanghai, especially those in the suburbs.

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