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The Tiger Woods And Elin Nordegren-Woods Saga: More gold-diggers?!
Article by: Rumer Certeza

Tiger Woods
Photo: Getty 
Ka-ching! Ka-ching! And you know what? More ka-ching!!

Tiger Woods probably thinks he's seeing birds in the sky, but they're actually countless dollar-signs with wings flapping away from his former mega-pockets. What're you standing around for, buddy? Go after them!!

Yup, soon-to-be wealthy ex-wifey Elin Woods has started a moolah making trend, (hell, she could even write a get-rich-quick book) which involves a lot of zeroes. And zeroes as well in Mr. ace womanizer's bank accounts!

And timing couldn't be more perfect. Tiger's 'curvy- collectibles' have surfaced one by one in the past, and the list could go on forever. But now, it's an entirely different scenario when those damsels start popping up again. Ka-ching!! Sorry, can't help it. The money meter's suddenly busted!

So having grasped the massive opportunity is porn star mistress, Devon James who's number 15 on the infinite roster. Devon had previously filed legal papers in Florida last month, which claims that casanova Tiger is her 9-year-old son's big daddy. So, I could get down to lengthy details with this but to make things easier, what's the word those celebrity ex-wives want to hear again? Ka-ching! Man, I'm loving this.

tiger woods

Click the gallery icon to view more photos of Tiger Woods 

But it seems like Porn star mom won't be getting any child support. Devon's mother, who happens to have custody of Tiger's rumored lovechild, performed a DNA test back in 2002, which proves that the golfer is not the father (Sounds like one of them 'Maury' episodes). Still, damsel 15 refuses to embrace the whole fact and that the results don't exist, requesting for another test. Awwww...no more of the 'k' word, honey?

Tiger then responds by filing a counter-suit, which asks that the court have the case tossed in the garbage dump, in spite of Devon's claims that she has the results. That DNA test from your porn-star match ups, sweetie? Give it a rest!

So, Tiger finally scores at least on this one. But those damsels will be following in Elin's footsteps like crazy. False claims or whatever, all they see is a massive treasure chest!

By the way, Tiger, Jesse James says hi. He still thinks his porn star is better than yours!