What is Sassyqarla.com?
- An Entertainment blog site from the Philippines. We are now indexed by Google News.
- We started this site last November 23, 2008.
- We update the site daily. With a minimum of 5 posts.
- Hardcore Hollywood News baby!
- Of course, but be reminded that we are covered by Creative Commons. After copying stories and articles, place our URL below or above your copied post. To learn more about Creative Commons, Click on the widget below.
What Blog Platform is this site using?
- A lot of Bloggers are asking us this question. We are using Google Blogger. The best Blog Platform in the World today. If you are not convinced that we are using it, ask Google.
- For us to know what you think! Sometimes we commit mistakes and the comments are the best portal for us to reform the article.
- Maybe you are marked as spam or was flagged by other users. Sorry, but if we find your comment a bit abusive and irritating, we will block your I.P address.
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Why Sassyqarla?
- We only serve fresh topics and issues gathered from different media portals. And from our research, we are setting a trend in showbiz headlines. Just recently when we discovered that a lot of blog sites are following our posts.
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