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Jennifer Aniston: Restraining order against stalker!
Article by: Rumer Certeza

Fame has its rewards and pitfalls. Ask Jennifer Aniston, who can finally sleep at night.

Exactly. The stunning 'Bounty Hunter' star has just been granted a restraining order against an alleged 24-year-old stalker with a violent past.

jennifer aniston stalker restraining order
Jennifer Aniston

Reveals TMZ, the suspect, Jason Peyton was arrested on July 15 by authorities after being found carrying a sharp object, a duct tape, and written messages about Aniston, while circling around the actress' Hollywood Hills house.

In fact, Aniston's lawyer discloses that according to the documents, Peyton had spent 8 days trying to find her and when he was taken into custody, police had discovered carved messages in the paint of his car which read: "I LOVE YOU JENNIFER ANISTON."

The papers also decribes the suspect as "obsessed and delusional," having a history of violent outbursts, like hitting his mother with a golf club as well as stabbing himself with a knife.

If that wouldn't raise eyebrows, the culprit also claims to be related to the following big names, such as Oprah, Nelson Mandela, Jay-z, Jennifer Lopez, Courtney Cox, Bill and Melinda Gates, President George Bush and Donald Trump. You forgot President Obama, pal.

As of now, Peyton remains in psychiatric confinement.

Like who wouldn't go ga-ga over Jen? Let me know if you need additional security, sweetie. I wouldn't mind watching over you 24-7.

Yeah, yeah, in my dreams!

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jennifer aniston heathrow airport
Jennifer Aniston arriving at Heathrow Airport on July 20, 2010
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