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Leonardo Di Caprio Environmentalist
Los Angeles, California - Titanic star Leonardo DiCaprio to be honored in Nickelodeon Kids Choice award this year for his "big green" effort.

The 34-year old actor is a committed environmentalist, DiCaprio has received praise from environmental groups for opting to fly on commercial flights instead of chartering private jets, which use more fuel per capita. He has also mentioned that he drives a hybrid car and that his house has solar panels. His actions have inspired other celebrities, such as Orlando Bloom and Penelope Cruz.

The actor and philanthropist will be presented with a new environmentally friendly award at this weekend’s Kids’ Choice Awards on Nickelodeon. On Saturday, March 28, 2009 [USA Time] Leo will be given the first “Big Green Help Award” by Cameron Diaz in recognization of his efforts to help the environment.