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Hollywood - Grammy winner Beyonce plans to settle down with "lovie" rapper Jay-Z, and make some babies! Busy promoting her latest flick "Obsessed", Beyonce shared some of her interesting dreams and ideas -- babies and Broadway!

"Its my ideal job [Broadway], because coz I'd be able to go to the theater everyday, and drop my kids off, and maybe make some food - maybe I know how to cook by then, and go do what I love and kinda have some normalcy in a regular schedule everyday." she said.

Playing a very different role in her new film opening next week in cinemas, Beyonce says she love her new film character -- a wife who loves her husband, and choo choo choo... I'm not into spoiling. "I love this role because in most of these movies, the man comes in and saves the day. My character Sharon is the hero, and she is strong, and she doesn't choose to be the victim or call her husband, call the police, hide in the attic -- she bites!" says Beyonce with a smile on her face.