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Adam Lambert Entertainment Weekly
California - Adam Lambert takes the cover of Entertainment Weekly - with a caption "The most exciting American Idol contestant in Years" 'coz of Adam's colorful "issues" that even O'Reilly grabbed a piece of the pie.

Last week when Adam Lambert survived the "axing" hands of the AI voters after making it to the final three. The best part is -- Adam, together with Danny Gokey and Kris Allen will fly to their hometowns to give some "I love you town folks" visit, and to make their fans go gaga, screaming like an ill-fated pig.

Back on Adam, do fans care if he's gay? Or bisexual, or transexual or whatever sexual? A lot of American Idol viewers and the not so viewers are still debating on the said issue, come on people -- American Idol is a "singing contest", and not a "Big Brother" house. Funny story, I encountered a comment in one of my American Idol posts, and one of my readers says that Adam Lambert and Danny Gokey's AI "battle" is like a classic clash of "good versus evil" -- *dang*!