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Ashley Greene Robert Pattinson
Canada - "New Moon" cast member Ashley Greene is back for more Robert Pattinson revelations. This time, in OK! Magazine. This cute gal is in the mood 'coz she has a lot of scenes in the sequel of Twilight like her co-star Taylor Lautner who plays the role of Jacob, the friend of Bella who appeared in Twilight for about a minute - or less, I'm not that sure but I know he's an "extra" in Twilight.

Back on Ashley Greene or Ash as her fans call her. She's back in the headlines again after spilling more Robert Pattinson "secrets" happening behind the cameras of "New Moon", and "Twilight".

"Rob’s always like, ‘I don’t belong here, what’s going on?’ He’s not the most sociable. He’s not one of those people who can go and talk to anyone. He’s kind of a hermit and a little awkward,"
she says, according to OK. "He got thrust into this limelight, but he’s dealing with it. I think it’d be kind of difficult for anyone." she added.

Like what I've said in my previous post, Ashley is very happy 'coz the "New Moon" prod will fly to Italy for the continuation of the Twilight sequel's shoot.