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jennifer aniston john mayer
California - According to Fox News' report - Jennifer Aniston complimented her ex-bf's new gal pal! Scheana Marie, a waitress, is Mayer's new "friend" according to reports. She even grabbed the headlines after she was spotted doing some smooch with Jennifer Aniston's ex John Mayer.

This girl told Younghollywood.com that she met Jennifer Aniston last year at the club she was working - where John Mayer celebrated his birthday with then-gf Jennifer. "I walked her (Jennifer) to the bathroom and she told me how pretty I was, she said I had such beautiful eyes, she was so sweet," says Scheana Marie, so Jennifer Aniston is a lesbian - kidding!

But Scheana Marie quickly avoided the Starmagazine's quote that "she said", John Mayer is "amazing in bed" - yeehaw! According to Fox, Scheana only responded with a nervous smile! "I feel that’s a personal question I don’t need to answer," she said. "But there are so many rumors. I have a show coming out on the Disney channel with the Jonas Brothers. I don’t need people calling me a media whore." she added. [IMG via USMagazine]