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California - Recently when Kate denied that the cheating rumors are part of their TV Ratings campaign for their reality series "Jon & Kate plus 8". Guess what, it's still a big help! Looking into our very own traffic figures (Google Analytics), TV audiences are still searching for the big answer that recently grabbed the headlines of ALL media portals --- what the hell is going on Jon and Kate? So, when will Kate and Jon answer all the cliff hanging question? Of course in their own show which premieres May 25th, and the viewers will tune in to see if the Gosselins, parents of 8-year-old twin girls and 5-year-old sextuplets, address their off-screen troubles on the show.

Not just that, gals out there were also searching Kate's hair, you know -- the Raccoon style (and I'm not sure if it's called Raccoon). Kate recently confessed that her "famous" hair will not work for everybody. "I have very, very thick hair, so it's not going to work for everybody. I've seen people come through the book line with thin hair and it just won't work." she said in her EW interview.

For more TV ratings boost, why not include Kate's bodyguard and Jon's teacher friend as the new cast members for Season 5?

Image via EW|Written by: Karen AlbanoJustify Full