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Connecticut - Fans can't get enough of the popstar - 'coz she's freaking hot (kill me)! And how I love the report that a fan named Kyle King jumps on stage and danced like a crazy frog in Brit's Mohegan Sun Arena concert.

King, 20, was arrested - and he's a drunken fan. A clearly shaken Britney was seen - and some report says that she screamed and very scared, I wonder if she's lip-synching. Kyle King was arrested for breach of peace. He was released Sunday morning on a $250 bond and is due in court on June 18 - and expected to dance with the judge.

During Britney's "Womanizer" performance, she's wearing a female police suit, and Chase Benz wasn't there to rescue her from freaky fan. Check out Britney dancing with a drunken fan, ------ HERE