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California - Twitter is the most powerful social networking today - obviously! That's why, Director David Slade deleted his Twitter account - ha ha! Slashfilm report said, Slade is now trying to hide his "not so silent" attacks on Twilight, 'coz the music video director from Britain is set to direct "Eclipse", the third installment of the phenomenal Stephenie Meyer's vampire book. "He's a visionary filmmaker who has so much to offer this franchise." says Meyer (maybe she's not aware of Slade's Tweets).

The original "Tweets" of the "30 Days of Night" director are gone, that's the effect of account deletion (stupid), but Slashfilm acquired an audio of Slade ripping into Twilight. I don't get the point of Twilight prod choosing him as "Eclipse" director! Well, who cares about my opinion.

Slashfilm also posted a link where you can download Slade's full audio of ripping, and hating Twilight and the vampire love story of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. Check out Slashfilm's website HERE , and ask Robert Pattinson to bite his future director.