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California - He's convincing -- maybe that's the reason why 20th Century Fox decided to give this hot guy his own comic book flick. Ryan Reynolds is set to reprise his role "Deadpool", who was first seen in "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" top billed by Aussie hunk Hugh Jackman.

Deadpool (Wade Wilson) was an ex-Special Forces member turned Mercenary who developed terminal cancer and enrolled in the Weapon X project in the hopes of attaining a regenerative healing factor (extracted from Wolverine’s DNA) to cure his cancer. Alas the experiment failed, causing him to be severely disfigured and driven insane.

Anyway, Wolverine sequel is also in the formative stages, so our cinemas will be infested by X-Men flicks 'coz another report says that Fox is also developing the story of "Magneto" -- the X:Men villain, might soon be having his own starring film.