Heidi Klum and Seal's fourth baby Lou Sulola Samuel is the hottest buzz on the internet when the supermodel gave birth last Friday, October 9th in Los Angeles, California was confirmed by the Seal and Heidi Klum's representative.
In the official statement of Seal posted by People.com, he describes his feelings as: "It's difficult to imagine loving another child as much as you love your existing children," Baby girl Lou Sulola Samuel's coming is obviously one of the happiest moments for Seal, he added, "Anyone who has a family will tell you this. Where will one find that extra love? If you love your existing children with all of your heart, how then can one possibly find more heart with which to love another?"
In the official statement of Seal posted by People.com, he describes his feelings as: "It's difficult to imagine loving another child as much as you love your existing children," Baby girl Lou Sulola Samuel's coming is obviously one of the happiest moments for Seal, he added, "Anyone who has a family will tell you this. Where will one find that extra love? If you love your existing children with all of your heart, how then can one possibly find more heart with which to love another?"