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jerry hall, big ear
Jerry Hall says the worst thing about getting older is having "big flappy" ears. The 53-year-old model - the ex-wife of Rolling Stones rocker Sir Mick Jagger - wasn't prepared for the strange changes her body underwent when she reached her 50s. She said: "One thing that happens when you get older is your ears get big and flappy. No one ever tells you that. Everything just keeps growing. Oh, and you get hair in weird places. "But for all that, I still like myself. That's why it's important to have interests - you don't get sucked into this culture of obsessing about yourself."

Jerry is looking forward to reaching her next milestone birthday because she hopes one of her four children - Elizabeth, 25, James, 24, Georgina, 17, and 12-year-old Gabriel - will have made her a grandmother by then. She added: "A lot more happens at 50, but the best thing is you just don't care anymore. At 40, you still care. At 30, you care way too much - and your 20s are quite frankly a nightmare. Bring on 60 I say! Just imagine the joy of having grandchildren."