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Unlike his co-stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart who directly answered all the 'relationship' rumors, Taylor Lautner plays the 'do your own theory' when he was asked about the rumored relationship with 'Fifteen' singer Taylor Swift. Taylor Lautner, who plays the role of Jacob Black in the much anticipated movie 'New Moon' told the reporters during a press conference at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills to use their 'evidences' (sort of).

Taylor Lautner replied: "You guys have seen every single move that I make, so I guess I will leave that up to you to decide." Taylor is talking about the multiple photo galleries surfaced on the internet early last week, showing him enjoying the company of his 'Valentines Day' co-star and 'good friend' Taylor Swift. Taylor Lautner also revealed that he's ready to lose his fab body for a role. He explained: "If a character requires it, I will [go shirtless]. Like I said before, if a role required me to lose 40 pounds, I would do it." Like what Robert Pattinson said in his previous interviews, Taylor Lautner is the lead role in 'New Moon'. Robert Pattinson explained: "I'm not the lead in the second film. Taylor [Lautner] is."

Be sure to check out Taylor Lautner's interview with Access Hollywood posted below. Taylor Lautner explains to Access' Shaun Robinson how hard he worked to bulk up for "New Moon." Plus, why does Taylor hide the shirtless, life-size "New Moon" cardboard cutout of him during the interview? (Photo Credit: RAM/Fame Pictures)

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