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Kristen Stewart attended a press conference in Los Angeles, California on Friday to promote her upcoming flick 'New Moon'. Kristen, who plays the role of Bella Swan explained how her character grows and matured in the second flick installment of the 'Twilight Saga'. She also revealed how her character faced the breakup with Robert Pattinson's character Edward Cullen. Kristen explained: "What I really love about New Moon is that you see this girl build herself back up and by the time she makes this sort of rash decision to spend eternity with a vampire she’s in a position where you actually believe her. You’re like, ‘Okay, you’re old enough, you’re mature enough to know. You’ve lived life.’ She grows up. I don’t know what I’m talking about anymore."

Kristen on the Breakup Scene with Edward played by Robert Pattinson: "That was the scariest thing. I was almost as worried about messing it up than I was about what I actually should have been thinking about which was the issues that Bella is dealing with. Reading it, it’s so iconic."

Kristen Stewart also shared some tidbits about the third flick 'Eclipse'. She compared 'New Moon' and 'Eclipse' and revealed that it's like the same - changes. Kristen Stewart also told the reporters how her character Bella changed in 'Eclipse'. She explained: "Eclipse is such that, just like New Moon, it sort of starts and becomes a completely new movie. Just as soon as you think you’re going to get the same story it’s sort all of a sudden that it completely changes. Bella is much more back to herself. She’s content now. She’s comfortable and self-assured in a way that she wasn’t in New Moon."

Kristen Stewart also told the reporters that she's excited to do the fourth movie, Breaking Dawn. Still not officially announced if how the movie will be made, Kristen explained how her character Bella and Robert Pattinson's character Edward will play the fourth film (still not sure if Breaking Dawn will be a single movie). "I can’t wait to do the fourth one because I’m sure that I’m going to come in and say that everything I said this time was wrong, that I actually know Bella more now. And actually we have such established dynamics.

Kristen Stewart continues: "The way that I know Bella deals with Edward, you sort of can’t mess with that. I know how she deals with him. I know how she deals with Jacob. I know how she deals with Charlie, her dad, and to have people come in and help that process out is only cooler. You always get a different perspective." says Kristen Stewart. Check out Kristen Stewart's full press conference report HERE. Plus, be sure to check out Kristen Stewart's interview with Access Hollywood HERE.

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