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Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, the rumored dating couple of 'New Moon' are back in the buzzworld today with their own "shocking" buzzes. First, Robert Pattinson's 'Twilight' character is now "off-limits"! Multiple news sources are reporting that fans of the vampire series have been banned from kissing a life-size cutout of Robert Pattinson over fears it could spread Swine Flu.

United Kingdom's Telegraph is reporting that a cardboard cutout of Robert Pattinson at the Reel Cinema, in Crewe, Cheshire is so hot, so staffs of the cinemas have slapped a ban on "any Pattinson petting" to avoid spreading germs. The chiefs of the movie house even posted a notice: "Please help reduce the spread of germs by refraining from giving Edward, or any other character for that matter, a kiss or a hug." 

Meanwhile, Kristen Stewart shocked fans and movie critics when new photos of her movie "Welcome to the Riley's" surfaced on the internet! Kristen Stewart, playing the role of Mallory, showed-off some sexy skins. MTV's Hollywood Crush blog described Kristen Stewart's character as the "most un-Bella role yet." I'm curious with Robert Pattinson's reaction regarding this one! Photo: Fame Pictures

Robert Pattinson: "Announcement people.. please stop kissing my cardboard cut-outs, including Kristen Stewart's (coz she's mine). But kissing Taylor Lautner's is still fine."

robert pattinson and kristen stewart cut-out swine flu welcome to the rileys