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Photo: CBS Website
Article by: Rumer Certeza 
Bruce Beresford Redman, considered a prime murder suspect of his wife's death, has been given instructions to remain in Mexico until the investigation is complete.

The producer of the popular CBS reality series 'Survivor'  and MTV's 'Pimp My Ride', has been realeased from custody of his deceased wife, Monica Beresford Redman, whose corpse was found dumped in a sewer at the Hotel Moon Palace in Mexico, where the couple stayed with their 2 children.

According to state prosecutors, the body revealed traces of strangulation, but the cause of death could only be determined after autopsy results have been gathered.

On Monday night, the hotel security guard witnessed the couple during an argument and that Bruce, 38, attempted to hit his wife, Mexican officials say.

The producer underwent toxicoloty tests conducted by officials to determine whether he was under drug influence, showing scratch marks on his neck. Monica's body also had scratches on her neck, signs of suffocation and a lethal blow to the right temple, states Francisco Alor, attorney general for Quintana Roo State.

Monica's sister, Carla Burgos of Torrance, California, was totally devastated over the news. She says she wouldn't imagine anybody close to her would be capable of such.

Meanwhile, latest reports claim that parents of the 'Survivor' producer have been awarded custody of the couples two children.