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google doodle isaac newton

Article by: Carlo Diokno
Photo: Fame 
'Google Doodles' is the hottest trending search today? Hmm.. looks like the interest of the internet users nowadays is the logo-changing activity of the largest search engine in the world. From 'Topeka' last April Fools day to the recent Hubble Space Telescope yesterday, Google is obviously celebrating the US and world holidays extra special by changing it's logo.

Do you remember the first (I'm not sure if it's really the first) 'moving' Google doodle? Well, it happened January 4th of this year. Google, together with billions of Google users celebrated the birthday of the father of Gravity, Sir Isaac Newton. The doodle was simple, Google in a tree, then an apple falls when you finally move the cursor, amazing!

More Google Doodles will be coming our way. And obviously, the search company is doing it's best to make every doodle extra-special, and extra-memorable. And like what the company says: "Holiday and Events – Google style!"