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Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame 
James Cameron, fresh after his 3D massive action hit, Avatar, gives fans a teaser on the sequel's 'contents.'

From his L.A. Times interview, the acclaimed director revealed that 'Avatar 2' will highlight visits to other planets, including sweeping underwater sequences on the Na'vi's home world.

Cameron elaborated on the sequel that while viewers will revisit the unique rainforests of Na'vi, the main focus would be more on Pandora's ocean, which he described as 'rich and diverse' along with 'crazy and imaginative.'

The director also aroused our curiosity toward a potential third sequel, wherein the environment of the film will be expanded across
entirely new star systems, incorporating more into the story.

So now that Avatar is due to explode on DVD and Blu-ray at the end of this week, Cameron shared that the 3D package will surely boast of a 6 minute, never-before-seen-footage, watch out for it!

With Cameron, it's usually a visually stimulating experience. Keep it up!