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sandra bullock and jesse james

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame 
Jesse James, pro womanizer is done with his rehab stint. But is wifey Sandra Bullock's done with him?

James, 40, has just completed his month long stay at the Sierra Tucson Rehab Facility in Arizona, and has returned to his L.A. home. But wait. Missing wedding ring!

Could it be that Bullock's woken up from deep sleep and finally getting on with her life? I mean, with the air around her constantly polluted with tireless tales of hubby Jamesy's multi-flavored damsels, sticking around would mean that the actress has gone cuckoo.

Only recently, the second tattooed stripper after Bombshell Mcgee (who's making waves) to reveal an affair with Bullock's wonder-hubby is Melissa Smith. And that faxed apology from her to Bullock's agent? Come on. Hasn't the damage been done after she spilled the beans on Star Magazine last month?

"We wound up having sex on his couch, and he didn't use a condom", Smith, 35, told the magazine. Spare the details. And skip the couch next time.

So to this date, statistics show that Jamesy's accumulated 'Barbie' collection have totalled a mind-boggling eleven! And we've only counted those who've claimed that they had sex with the potential ex-hubby. How about the others who have yet to crawl out of their shells? Yup, it's definitely a numbers game, Tiger Woods.

Sandra, come out, come out, wherever you are. Jamesy's got assorted flavors for you...

Puh-lease. I was talking about jellybeans.