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jessica simpson teeth

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame 
Jessica's definitely flashing those pearl whites. What more if she brushes them regularly!

You heard it, that's the singer's health regime, to thoroughly brush her choppers 3 times a day. Did I say a day? I Meant a week.

Now hold your horses and don't get too excited.

According to Simpson, 29, her teeth are so white and she possesses fresh breath even if it sounds weird ( she probably meant dragon fresh ).

Simpson adds by saying that her 'lips just slide all over the place' and couldn't 'catch up with my mouth.' Say whaaat?

And here's another health tip you might not hear from your dentist. In the absence of a toothbrush or toothpaste, use a shirt to scrub those great whites. She's gotta be kidding.

I've also great news for you lucky dudes. Blondie's scouting for Mr. Right! And what does she look for in a guy? Someone sweet, and capable for holding his breath for hours.

I know how you feel, Nick. Know how you feel.