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shawn southwick king

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame 
Larry King's getting his dues after alleged affair with his wife's sister. Shawn's 'other man' surfaces and says a mouthful.

While the divorce proceedings have come to a standstill at this point for the couple, Shawn Southwick's alleged lover, Hector Penate, continues to share his stories.

Penate, a former Little League coach, opens up to In Touch Weekly explaining that Southwick agreed with the affair to get back at hubby King's rumored relationship with her sister.

In fact, Penate further discloses that the CNN host is still head over heels over Shannon Engemann, Southwick's sibling and is mindless over his own wife's 'other' activities.

Southwick's lover also boasted about their excessive sexual activities right in Larry's bed and felt like it was his own house. Penate even hinted that it was a matter of time the home would be his as soon as King exits the marriage, to which Southwick's response was: "Don't worry, he's gonna die soon," Entertainment Tonight quoted Penate as saying.