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oprah winfrey

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame 
Oprah Winfrey, reigning talk show host, has some issues to settle and fast, or so it seems.

An ailing bedridden 84 year old World War 2 Veteran is making a desperate plea to Oprah to admit he's the father of the bigger than life star host. North Robinson, a poor Mississippi farmer who is now confined in a rural VA hospital, would prefer nothing else but his alleged daughter to come clean and admit their family ties before he calls it quits in this walk of life.

Robinson even tried to beg Oprah for a DNA test through a letter, but never received any response. In the letter, he included details on his Social Security number and an old photo of him in the navy during the World War.

And he surely wasn't after the queen's mind boggling millions, not a cent, he says.

What do you say, Oprah? The poor thing'll choke sooner or later.