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floyd mayweather

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame 
A Pacquiao/Mayweather mega clash lingers in the air, at least for Bob Arum.

Top rank promoter Bob Arum in the past, has expressed skepticism over the much anticipated super bout between world's number one and two, as ever materializing.

But with this upcoming bout between Mayweather and Mosley looming near, Arum believes that 'Pretty-Boy' Floyd has no more reasons to take flight once he wins the fight. Hey, that rhymes..

Arum opened up to boxing.fanhouse.com, that if Mayweather defeats Mosley, 'he may be emboldened to face Pacquiao, and therefore more reasonable in negotiations.'

A lot of so-called migraine packed conflicts have thwarted fight negotiations from taking off in the past.

It started off with both camps demanding a bigger share of the pie, and refusing a 50-50 cut or lower than the other. That's prehistoric. After, we have the Olympic-style drug testing from Mayweather's camp which caused quite a mayhem.

Now that the Philippine elections just around the corner, Arum also expressed excitement over Pacquiao's other big fight, a candidacy in the congressional seat against businessman Roy Chiongban in the Sarangani province.

The result of this election would also determine if fight negotiations will push through, should Pacquiao triumph over his adversary.

Ok, let's forget about the 'what-ifs.' Like big boss Bob Arum, let's just keep our fingers crossed.