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robert pattinson and kristen stewart in bel ami and the engagement rumors bs

Article by: Carlo Diokno
Photo: Fame 
Blogosphere was abuzz after Kristen Stewart visited Robert Pattinson in Budapest. Videos, photos and even sources revelation continue to infest the internet world. The latest buzzer, News of the World is claiming that Robert Pattinson, 23, asked Kristen to marry him. Well, the source of the site is claiming that Kristen is very much in love with the British actor who plays the role of Edward Cullen in the Twilight series.

"I love Rob because he always wants to be the best. He can be very childish. When Rob does something right or wins something he talks with a different, little voice - like a five-year-old," says Kristen, according to NOTW.

Here's another buzzer, a blog is claiming that Robert Pattinson told a Hungarian newspaper interview that the 'engagement rumours' floating on the internet today is a total BS! He said, according to that blog: "This engagement thing is total bullshit, I don’t even know where it comes from." Oh, the unnamed sources are the real stars..