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sandra bullock and michelle mcgee

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame 
Believe it or not, Michelle Mcgee, one of Jesse James' 'other women' has publicly apologized to Sandra Bullock for the embarrassment her widespread affair rumors have caused. Oh by the way, Michelle McGee was the 'mistress' who started all of this media circus. 

The bombshell opened up to Australian TV show 'Today Tonight' and expressed her apologies towards 'The Blind Side' star, saying she was sorry for the embarassment, sorry that all became public and sorry for everything.

Mcgee further elaborated that the womanizer Jamesy made her believe that he would dump Bullock before their 11-month affair would take off the ground, and wouldn't be in this situation had the motorcycle mechanic been straight with her. 

Excuses, excuses.