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robert pattinson and kristen stewart

Photo: Fame  
Robert Pattinson and girlfriend Kristen Stewart continue to catch the attention of fans and even reporters. After Kristen's surprise visit to Budapest, after Robert Pattinson's 'Bel Ami' shoot, a lot of speculations were posted on the internet.

Anyway, here's one unconfirmed buzzer from Metro. According to the gossip site, Robert Pattinson and his 20 year-old American girlfriend slash Twilight co-star were spotted in London. Yeah, the site claims Rob and Kristen visited Pattinson family in UK. Let's just wait for photos, if they really visited the family's house, next!

Here's another movie that will surely put Rob and Kristen apart from each other (that's fine). Rob's new movie 'Water For Elephants' will film scenes soon. So expect to see Rob apart from K-Stew soon. And the movie has posted an advertisment searching for extras. Producers of the said movie posted an ad on Craiglist in L.A. looking for extras for the film. Casting takes place on April 17th, so if you're interested, just go! That's so cool, Rob and a fan in a film, cute!