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Article by: Carlo Diokno
Photo: Fame 
Robert Pattinson should be more careful in giving interviews, lol!

Looks like the Twilight star has a lot of 'mixed up' interviews surfaced on the internet, fans and even 'researchers' are left confused. Like this one, Splash News quoted Rob as saying that he and co-star Kristen Stewart are just friends. He said, according to the paparazzi site, "Kristen is my friend. I really like to work with her. She's more mature than her age, a real professional. I couldn't wish a better partner, because she makes my every move, every sentence authentic."

But some fans believe that this interview is 'old' and 'rewritten'.

Oh wait, I remember Rob's interview with Vanity Fair last year. Rob told the mag that he and Kristen are "good friends," and that he considers her "the best young actress around." The interview happened a month before the rumoured couple was spotted in Isle Of Wight, and before the Budapest 'incident'