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sandra bullock and jesse james rehab reunion

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame 
Sandra Bullock will finally be reunited with tattooed 'adulterer' hubby Jesse James, but not to patch things up, of course!

The Oscar winning estranged actress, who won this year's Best Actress nod, is scheduled to confront his cheating hubby in rehab over cheating allegations. Bullock will be expected to take part in therapy sessions lasting 3 to 5 hours, should she give the go signal. This is mandatory, according to specialists, no matter what state their relationship is in.

Doctor Shari Corbitt, now the Senior Executive Director of Promises rehab centre in Malibu California, stresses that "as part of his treatment, Jesse James will have to face the 'Blind Side' actress."

She also adds that usually, partners want to confront each other to find out why she or he cheated, or why they took drugs or have been drinking. "They are entitled to answers too," Corbitt further explains.

Now's your chance to open up, Jamesy. Don't be expecting any sexual favors too soon, though.