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brett michaels

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame
Bret Michaels proves to be a tough nut to crack on 'Celebrity Apprentice.'

The former Poison frontman displayed the makings of a true leader as project manager of his team, when he won the task on last night's episode, writing three 30-second commercials for a home services company. Sharon Osbourne and Maria Kanellis were part of the team.

Olympic swimmer, Summer Sanders wasn't so lucky as she was given the boot.

She did express however, enthusiasm over Bret's winning chances, and was extremely amazed on how the rocker was a picture of seemingly infinite energy.

"I don't know where he got the energy to do all that he was doing. He was not only 100 percent into every single task, he would go and do shows at night and take a red-eye back, and won and go out and celebrate until all hours," she mentioned in a press call.

The olympian further gave emphasis on Bret being a strong contender. "He's strong and has this way of thinking outside the box and pushing the envelope and just fights on. She adds that Michaels has proven detractors wrong and is considered to be a very, very strong player."

The rocker is currently undergoing multiple treatment since being hospitalized with brain haemmorhage.

The whole cast and crew of 'Celebrity Apprentice' wishes Michaels a speedy recovery.

Bret will spring back to life in due time. Count on it.