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lindsay lohan

Article by: Rumer Certeza
Photo: Fame
Video: Youtube.com/itn 
Lindsay Lohan's a porn star! Not literally in the sense, though. She's set to portray a legend that once walked the world of pornography.

You got that righty! 'Righty?' I mean, the troubled actress is finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel after a saga of bad publicity and disputes. She's being singled out as the perfect choice to fit into the shoes of legendary porn actress, Linda Lovelace, who was famous in the 1970's.

The movie, 'Inferno,' will highlight events that transpired in the controversial life of Lovelace, where she went from porn sensation to anti-porn activist. She was forced to enter the industry by an abusive husband, and as a result, shot to fame with the 1972 movie, 'Deep Throat' the only porn film to rake in the big moolah. Eventually, she would despise the life that made her popular and would strongly hold public protests against pornography till her last breath.

One of the producers of the independent film, Wali Razaqi says that Lohan, 24, will assume the role of Lovelace, while Bill Pullman of 'Independence Day' fame, has been cast as Hugh Hefner in the biopic.

This should help boost Lohan's already prehistoric career (what career?) and lift her out of the consistent slump that's been like food to her stomach. Without a doubt, she'll give justice to this mega-role.

This is your wake up call, girl! Get your act together.